13 week Study
Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m.
February 15 - May 24
Arena Conference Room
Alex Turner 903.658-1890
Vivian Ybara 903.658.6090
Testing Of The Bulls
Bar None Cowboy Church Tatum, TX 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesScott Mendes and Joe Cox will guest speak at 6:45 p.m. along with worship let by Branded band.
Join us early at 5:30 pm for a meal that will include calf fries.
Admission is free
This is Men's and Young Men's event only.
Cattle Dog Trials
Bar None Cowboy Church, Covered Arena 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesAll trials are on foot. There are 5 classes: Open (limited to 20), Novice, Intermediate, Nursery and Ranch.Contestants 16 and under who pre-register will be free.$100 per run if payment is received by February 23rd. There will be a $10 fee if after the 23rd and must be paid in cash. No refunds will be […]
Wednesday Evening Meal
Bar None Cowboy Church Tatum, TX 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesJoin us between 5 and 6 p.m. for a hot meal. Includes main dish and salad. Hot dogs are available weekly if the main dish is not something your child or you like. Desserts are all donated by those who join the make a cake, cobbler, pie, or cookies and donate. Tea, lemonade, water, […]
13 week Study
Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m.
February 15 - May 24
Arena Conference Room
Alex Turner 903.658-1890
Vivian Ybara 903.658.6090
Wednesday Evening Meal
Bar None Cowboy Church Tatum, TX 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesJoin us between 5 and 6 p.m. for a hot meal. Includes main dish and salad. Hot dogs are available weekly if the main dish is not something your child or you like. Desserts are all donated by those who join the make a cake, cobbler, pie, or cookies and donate. Tea, lemonade, water, […]
13 week Study
Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m.
February 15 - May 24
Arena Conference Room
Alex Turner 903.658-1890
Vivian Ybara 903.658.6090
Bar None Basics
Bar None Cowboy Church Tatum, TX 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesOur version of a new members class....a place to hear the details of the cowboy church and how we conduct business. It is the place to get connected in the ministry of Bar None and meet some of the leadership. Held after church in the kitchen area with a free lunch to go with it. […]
Bar None Cowboy Church, Covered Arena 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesArena Team Playdays: March 26 April 23 May 21 June 4
Wednesday Evening Meal
Bar None Cowboy Church Tatum, TX 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesJoin us between 5 and 6 p.m. for a hot meal. Includes main dish and salad. Hot dogs are available weekly if the main dish is not something your child or you like. Desserts are all donated by those who join the make a cake, cobbler, pie, or cookies and donate. Tea, lemonade, water, […]
13 week Study
Wednesdays @ 5:30 p.m.
February 15 - May 24
Arena Conference Room
Alex Turner 903.658-1890
Vivian Ybara 903.658.6090
Ladies Bean Auction
Bar None Cowboy Church Tatum, TX 9162 State Highway 43 E, Tatum, TX, United StatesAnnual ladies bean auction